How much time is fixed for receipt of application?
As per decision of the Commission 15 days time is given to the candidates to apply against any post advertised by the Commission, for which they qualify.
Can any correction be made after submission of online application?
Yes, changes can be made once up-till closing date. The procedure is available on website http://www.online.fpsc.gov.pk
Can dual nationality holders apply against posts advertised by the Commission?
Dual nationality holders can apply against the posts advertised by the Commission, however, they will have to surrender their foreign nationality and inform the Govt. before joining Government Service.
How can Syllabus for written tests be obtained?
Syllabus for written test can be downloaded from FPSC website www.fpsc.gov.pk.
Which things are prohibited in the Examination Hall?
Bringing of Mobile Telephones/Likewise devices, books, purses, Arms Ammunitions, Explosive Material etc. in the Examination Hall, is strictly prohibited. FPSC is not responsible for their Security or Loss.
What are the usual grounds of rejection of an application for recruitment cases?
An applicant is liable for rejection on any of the following grounds:- Application not received through onlineon or before the closing date. Fee not paid on or before the closing date. Non-submission of original Treasury Receipt of application fee deposited on or before the closing date at the time of written test / alongwith requisite documents (for non-test cases) Under age/Overage. No proof of age. Non possession of required/advertised domicile. No proof of Educational Qualification. Lack of Educational criteria on the closing date as the result was not declared/announced upto the closing date. Educational Qualification is not relevant. Post qualification experience is short. No proof of experience. Non possession of required/advertised experience. Relevant/countable experience is short. Departmental Permission Certificate has been refused. Some relevant column of the online Application left blank. In case of Non submission of attested copies of the certificates within stipulated time of FPSC Notice as proof in support of the Prescribed Qualification/ Experience/ Domicile etc., his/ her candidature shall stand rejected.
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