If you are in search of 10th Class Notes for English to prepare for your annual exams or for a test, than you are at the right place.
Here you can get 10th class notes for all chapters and all subjects. For your comfort there are two options available, you can read these notes online or you can download them to use them in future as you need. These notes are extremely helpful for those who want to prepare for there annual exams in a very short period.
10th class English notes for all chapters are given below for you to download or to preview online. These notes are absolutely free. We hope these notes will help you to get higher marks in exams and to show excellent achievement in future. If you like these notes than you can suggest smadent notes to your friends. It will motivate us to serve you more.
Table of contents
Chapter 1: Hazrat Mohammad an Embodiment of justice
By the end of this unit you will:
- recognize and practise values and attributes of justice for peaceful coexistence
- deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words from the context
- demonstrate the use of concrete and abstract nouns
- illustrate the use of regular and irregular verbs in writing
- write an effective essay on the given topic
Chapter 2: Chinese New Year
By the end of this unit, you will:
- explore the festivals and cultural events around the world
- explain the meanings of words as used in the text
- illustrate the use of simple present and simple past tense
- summarize the text by listing the important events of the Chinese festival
- produce an effective essay on a general subject
Chapter 3: Try Again
By the end of this unit, you will learn to:
- locate synonyms in a thesaurus
- illustrate the use of degrees of adjectives and order of adjectives
- illustrate the use of future indefinite tense
- state the main idea of the poem
- paraphrase and summarize the poem
Chapter 4: First Aid
By the end of this unit, you will learn to:
- identify specialized vocabulary used in a particular field
- use the knowledge of prefixes to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words
- illustrate the use of gerunds and infinitives
- write a paragraph on the given topic using clear topic sentence and supporting details
- write an effective personal narrative including significan details of time
Chapter 5: The Rain
By the end of this unit, you will learn to:
- understand and appreciate nature
- locate synonyms and antonyms
- illustrate the use of transitive and intransitive verbs
- illustrate the use of prepositions
- paraphrase and summarize the poem
- write a paragraph on the given topic using clear topic sentence and supporting details
Chapter 6: Television vs. Newspapers
By the end of this unit, you will learn to:
- illustrate the use of first conditional sentence
- present and explain your points of view clearly
- structure ideas and arguments in a coherent logical fashion
- summarize the main points of the discussion for the benefit of the whole group
- write a comparative essay on the given topic
Chapter 7: Little by Little one walks far!
By the end of this unit, you will learn to:
- deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases from the context
- illustrate the use of indefinite pronouns
- illustrate the use of present perfect tense
- write general essay on importance of co-curricular activities
- fill in a form for specific information
Chapter 8: Peace
By the end of this unit, you will learn to:
- recognize imagery used in the poem
- illustrate the kinds of pronouns
- make and use present and past participles
- illustrate the use of gerund phrases, infinitive phrases and prepositional phrases
- paraphrase and summarize the poem
- write an account of a natural disaster
Chapter 9: Selecting the right career
By the end of this unit, you will learn to:
- explain the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases from the context
- illustrate the use of present perfect continuous tense
- structure ideas and arguments of oral discussion in a coherent logical fashion
- summarize the main points of the discussion for the benefit of the whole group
- write an essay on a general subject
- write a formal letter
Chapter 10: A world without books
By the end of this unit, you learn to:
- deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases from the context
- identify and demonstrate the use of relative pronouns
- support the topic of oral communication skills with effective relevant information
- structure ideas and arguments in a coherent logical fashion
Chapter 11: Great Expectations
By the end of this unit, you will learn to:
- analyze story elements: characters, events, setting, plot, theme, point of view
- illustrate use of past perfect or past perfect continuous tense
- change the narration of statements, requests, orders and questions
- make presentation on story elements
- write a book review of a story book
Chapter 12: Population Growth and World Food Supplies
By the end of this unit, you will learn to:
- understand and evaluate contemporary social and economic issues
- summarize the main points of the discussion for the benefit of the whole group
- summarize the text with the help of mind map
- write a letter to the editor expressing their ideas, points or opinions clearly
Chapter 13: Faithfulness
By the end of this unit, you will learn to:
- illustrate the use of third conditional sentences
- identify and differentiate between simple compound and complex sentences
- synthesize sentences
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