10th Class Math Notes [Updated Edition]

Kumail Kazmi
by Kumail Kazmi
10th Class Math Notes

If you are in search of 10th Class Notes for Math to prepare for your annual exams or for a test, than you are at the right place.

Here you can get 10th class Math notes for all chapters. For your comfort there are two options available, you can read these notes online or you can download them to use them in future as you need. These notes are extremely helpful for those who want to prepare for there annual exams in a very short period.

10th class math notes for all chapters are given below for you to download or to preview online. These notes are absolutely free. We hope these notes will help you to get higher marks in exams and to show excellent achievement in future. If you like these notes than you can suggest smadent notes to your friends. It will motivate us to serve you more.

Table of contents

# Chapter
1 Quadratic Equations
2 Theory of Quadratic Equations
3 Variations
4 Partial Fractions
5 Sets and Functions
6 Basic Statistics
7 Introduction to Trignometry
8 Projection of a side of a Triangle
9 Chords of a Circle
10 Tangent to a circle
11 Chords and arcs
12 Angle in a segment of circle
13 Practical geometry circles

Chapter 1: Quadratic Equations

10th class math notes 1st chapter

In this unit, students will learn how to:

Chapter 2: Theory of Quadratic Equations

10th class math notes 2st chapter

After solving this unit, you will be able to:

Chapter 3: Variations

10th class math notes 3st chapter

After solving this unit, you will be able to:

Chapter 4: Partial Fractions

10th class math notes 4st chapter

After solving this chapter, you will be able to:

Chapter 5: Sets and Functions

10th class math notes 5st chapter

After solving this chapter, you will be able to:

Chapter 6: Basic Statistics

10th class math notes 6st chapter

After studying this chapter, you will learn how to:

Chapter 7: Introduction to Trignometry

10th class math notes 7st chapter

After solving this chapter, you will be able to:

Chapter 8: Projection of a side of a Triangle

10th class math notes 8st chapter

After solving this chapter, you will be able to prove the following theorems along with corollaries and apply them to solve appropriate problems.

Chapter 9: Chords of a Circle

10th class math notes 9st chapter

After studying this chapter, you will be able to prove the following theorems alongwith corollaries and apply them to solve appropriate problems.

Chapter 10: Tangent to a circle

10th class math notes 10st chapter

After studying this chapter, you will learn how to prove the following theorems alongwith corollariesw and apply them to solve appropriate problems.

Chapter 11: Chords and arcs

10th class math notes 11st chapter

After studying this unit, you will learn:

Chapter 12: Angle in a segment of circle

10th class math notes 12st chapter

In this unit, you will learn:

Chapter 13: Practical geometry circles

10th class math notes 13st chapter

After studying this chapter, you will learn how to:

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